A Quick Primer

Here are a few things that you should know before reading this document:

  • LLVM IR is not machine code, but sort of the step just above assembly. So some things look more like a high-level language (like functions and the strong typing). Other looks more like low-level assembly (e.g. branching, basic-blocks).
  • LLVM IR is strongly typed so expect to be told when you do something wrong.
  • LLVM IR does not differentiate between signed and unsigned integers.
  • LLVM IR assumes two’s complement signed integers so that say trunc works equally well on signed and unsigned integers.
  • Global symbols begin with an at sign (@).
  • Local symbols begin with a percent symbol (%).
  • All symbols must be declared or defined.
  • Don’t worry that the LLVM IR at times can seem somewhat lengthy when it comes to expressing something; the optimizer will ensure the output is well optimized and you’ll often see two or three LLVM IR instructions be coalesced into a single machine code instruction.
  • If in doubt, consult the Language Reference [1]. If there is a conflict between the Language Reference and this document, this document is wrong! Please file an issue on github then.
  • All LLVM IR examples are presented without a data layout and without a target triple. You can assume it’s usually x86 or x86_64.
  • The original version of this document was written a while ago, therefore some of the snippets of LLVM IR might not compile anymore with the most recent LLVM/clang version. Please file a bug report at github if you encounter such a case.

Some Useful LLVM Tools

The most important LLVM tools for use with this article are as follows:

Name Function Reads Writes Arguments
clang C Compiler .c .ll -emit-llvm -S
clang++ C++ Compiler .cpp .ll -emit-llvm -S
opt Optimizer .bc/.ll .bc  
llvm-dis Disassembler .bc .ll  
llc IR Compiler .ll .s  

While you are playing around with generating or writing LLVM IR, you may want to add the option -fsanitize=undefined to Clang/Clang++ insofar you use either of those. This option makes Clang/Clang++ insert run-time checks in places where it would normally output an ud2 instruction. This will likely save you some trouble if you happen to generate undefined LLVM IR. Please notice that this option only works for C and C++ compilers.

Note that you can use .ll or .bc files as input files for clang(++) and compile full executables from bitcode files.
