
A class is nothing more than a structure with an associated set of functions that take an implicit first parameter, namely a pointer to the structure. Therefore, it is very trivial to map a class to LLVM IR:

#include <stddef.h>

class Foo
        _length = 0;

    size_t GetLength() const
        return _length;

    void SetLength(size_t value)
        _length = value;

    size_t _length;

We first transform this code into two separate pieces:

  • The structure definition.
  • The list of methods, including the constructor.
; The structure definition for class Foo.
%Foo = type { i32 }

; The default constructor for class Foo.
define void @Foo_Create_Default(%Foo* %this) nounwind {
    %1 = getelementptr %Foo, %Foo* %this, i32 0, i32 0
    store i32 0, i32* %1
    ret void

; The Foo::GetLength() method.
define i32 @Foo_GetLength(%Foo* %this) nounwind {
    %1 = getelementptr %Foo, %Foo* %this, i32 0, i32 0
    %2 = load i32, i32* %1
    ret i32 %2

; The Foo::SetLength() method.
define void @Foo_SetLength(%Foo* %this, i32 %value) nounwind {
    %1 = getelementptr %Foo, %Foo* %this, i32 0, i32 0
    store i32 %value, i32* %1
    ret void

Then we make sure that the constructor (Foo_Create_Default) is invoked

whenever an instance of the structure is created:

Foo foo;
%foo = alloca %Foo
call void @Foo_Create_Default(%Foo* %foo)