Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance is not that difficult, either, it is merely a question of laying out the multiple inherited “structures” in order inside each derived class, while taking into consideration the duplication of data members that are inherited multiple times.

WARNING: This chapter is currently utterly bogus because it basically treats the non-virtual multiple inheritance as it was virtual. If you feel like finishing it up, please feel free to fork and fix. The problem is that the SetB() and SetC() setters need to take into account the offset of each of the active data members used in BaseB::SetB() consideration somehow.

class BaseA
    void SetA(int value)
        _a = value;

    int _a;

class BaseB: public BaseA
    void SetB(int value)
        _b = value;

    int _b;

class Derived:
    public BaseA,
    public BaseB
    void SetC(int value)
        _c = value;

    // Derived now has two '_a' members and one '_b' member.
    int _c;

This is equivalent to the following LLVM IR:

%BaseA = type {
    i32         ; '_a' from BaseA

define void @BaseA_SetA(%BaseA* %this, i32 %value) nounwind {
    %1 = getelementptr %BaseA, %BaseA* %this, i32 0, i32 0
    store i32 %value, i32* %1
    ret void

%BaseB = type {
    i32,        ; '_a' from BaseA
    i32         ; '_b' from BaseB

define void @BaseB_SetB(%BaseB* %this, i32 %value) nounwind {
    %1 = bitcast %BaseB* %this to %BaseA*
    call void @BaseA_SetA(%BaseA* %1, i32 %value)
    %2 = getelementptr %BaseB, %BaseB* %this, i32 0, i32 1
    store i32 %value, i32* %2
    ret void

%Derived = type {
    i32,        ; '_a' from BaseA
    i32,        ; '_a' from BaseB
    i32,        ; '_b' from BaseB
    i32         ; '_c' from Derived

define void @Derived_SetC(%Derived* %this, i32 %value) nounwind {
    %1 = bitcast %Derived* %this to %BaseB*
    call void @BaseB_SetB(%BaseB* %1, i32 %value)
    %2 = getelementptr %Derived, %Derived* %this, i32 0, i32 2
    store i32 %value, i32* %2
    ret void

And the compiler then supplies the needed type casts and pointer arithmentic whenever baseB is being referenced as an instance of BaseB. Please notice that all it takes is a bitcast from one class to another as well as an adjustment of the last argument to getelementptr.